

Ghana as a country and Africa as a continent is of many opportunities, dynamics development and youth. Half of the 1.2 billion residents’ 0f Africa is under the age of 25. Soon, the continent will be home to more than two billion people; one quarter of the global population. For this young generation to be a driver of sustainable development, it needs peace, access to education and prospects. The young generation often only has limited access to qualitative, participative formal and non-formal education offers and development opportunities.

"Create a partnership with us"

Creating a partnership with Gomoa Sports For Change Foundation presents an opportunity to be aligned with a major community sporting club and build brand
awareness with a great target market of more than 1,500 members and supporters considerably wider audience including not only local spectators and officials but also and avisiting representative team members and supporters.
We recognise that achieving benefits for our partners, as well as for our association, will develop long term relationships. We pride ourselves in providing our partners with first class management and transparent results. This is the cornerstone of our partnership polie y, along with our philosophy of having exclusive company rights to ensure our partners receive maximum benefit from their investment.
We look forward to working with you in the near future.
Ernest Quarm (Hon)

Where Do Your Support Go?

Putting on a full season of out for training, tournaments and matches are costly The approximate cost for
training, matches and tournaments is GHe 100,000 (USD 18, 000) Most of that money come from private sponsorships from companies, organizations, and people like yourself. Where does all that money go you might ask

Percentage Breakdown of Budget

Player Allowance
Coaches / Officials Allowances
Communication / Video Media / Advertisement
Sport materials
Mentorship / Skills training Affiliated fees
Affiliated fees
Referees allowances
Registration of players
Participation in sport tournament competitions
NHIS Registration
Field Management

Ways to Sponsor

There are two ways you can sponsor our sports foundation.

1.Provide a cash donation to underwrite the expenses of our foundation, tournament and qualification to the Division One League

2. Provide in-kind product such as food, sports wears, balls, water, media advertisement ete or in-kind service such as graphic designing print out, photographers, video recording etc.

Whatever your business does or you do, we probably have a program or event that could use it.

Why Became a Partner and Sponsor of Our Sports Foundation

  • Send a positive message to reach a diverse audience of the many players, supporters and spectators. The community looks favourably upon businesses which support local sport
  • Connect with your target market through creative displays, activities, product sampling or giveaways.
  • Reach a mass audience through print and/or electronic media social media (Facebook and Twitter) signage and direct mail.
  • Show your involvement in the community at a grass roots level and that you understand the importance for the health and wellbeing for people of all ages.
  • Make your employees and regular customers fee! proud when they see your company support sports outside of the workplace.
  • Regardless of the type of business you are involved with. Gomoa Sports For Change Foundation has partnership opportunities which will be tailored to meet your needs.
    These range from “passive”, advertising options to the more active, partnership packages in which we work hand in hand with your business to ensure everyone comes out smiling,
  • As you can see, supporting the Gomoa Sports for Change Foundation can assist the youth, Sports, the community and your business in various ways!

“ Sponsorship Proportion”

We seek to offer your outfit the amazing opportunity of tapping into our formidable brand recognition and numbers by way of sponsorship.
We offer the following benefits:
1. Opportunity to make relevant input towards the welfare of the sports foundation.
2. Exclusive privilege of having your company, organization or brand logo, shown or mentioned in all our media advertisement.
3. Direct mentioning / advertising of your corporate’s in our features on bill boards, flyers and brochures.
4. Certificate and citation in recognition of your partnership and sponsorship,
5. Your logo on our Jerseys for the season for the Division Two Team

Became a partner and sponsor of our sports foundation